"Say NO to MSG!" It's pretty straight forward. It's simple, catchy, and easier to remember than "Say NO to MSG and other Excitotoxins!"
I wish it was as easy as eliminating MSG from our diets; but it's not. MSG is only one of many excitotoxins, and many of the others may cause MSG sensitive people worse symptoms than MSG.
It is important to know what ingredients to avoid, not only for MSG sensitive people but for everyone. We have included on this website a list of those ingredients. See Ingredient Watch List. You may want to go there and print it out.
Everyone is affected by excitotoxins. Some people show obvious symptoms. See Symptoms. It is also a contributing factor to the obesity problems of America, chronic headaches, ADHD, and other maladies that seem to baffle doctors.
It is pretty assuredly addictive and it is a frontal assault on the health of Americans by a greedy food industry that only considers bottom line.
Please use the site to your advantage. We hope you can beat your addiction to excitotoxin additives. We ask you to join us in this fight to make consumers aware that our food supply is being poisoned. It sounds reactionary when said that way, but it's true.
MSG: A Mystery of an Elusive Poisoner
Story by Mick Zellar
It was such a beautiful day that Jennifer decided to reward herself with a quick lunch. As she sat down in the booth, she was unaware of events that were soon to unfold. She would be approached by a stranger and would be given a choice of food items, not knowing that there was poison in each of them. She would eat them, washing them down with more poison and then she would leave believing what she just had done was good.
What Jennifer did was go into a chain...
Receive a free laminated pocket card with a list of ingredients to avoid. Make your next grocery shopping experience easier with this easy to use laminated card of the most popular excitotoxins used by the food industry. And when people ask where they can get their very own card, refer them to our website, SayNOtoMSG.com.
Join MisFiT City Forum,
and after joining, e-mail us with your mailing address and your USERNAME today to receive your Laminated Pocket Card.
Read the labels of the food products you have in your pantry. Compare the ingredients! What you find may surprise you.
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