It was such a beautiful day that Jennifer decided to reward herself with a quick lunch. As she sat down in the booth, she was unaware of events that were soon to unfold. She would be approached by a stranger and would be given a choice of food items, not knowing that there was poison in each of them. She would eat them, washing them down with more poison and then she would leave believing what she just had done was good.
What Jennifer did was go into a chain restaurant. It wouldn't matter which one. She ordered a bowl of soup, a salad, an order of seasoned fries and a diet drink. Sounds fairly healthy, doesn't it? Well,"...she became a little dizzy and disoriented." maybe the fries, being deep fried, could be called on the edge, but the salad and the soup and the diet drink surely would make up for it. Within a short time, Jennifer started experiencing a headache. She had these afternoon headaches before and hoped this one wouldn't be one of those eye closers. Soon, as she walked, she became a little dizzy and disoriented. She found a bench to sit on and did so. Soon the nausea passed and she continued her walk. Her fingers were feeling numb and her stomach kept spinning a little, but she seemed to be getting over it.
While standing on a street corner, a gentleman asked her if she was ok. "Huh," she said?
"You were leaning on the post there and you looked like you were having a problem," he said.
"No, no. I'm OK," she muttered.
Jennifer started walking again, finally making it back to her office. She was sitting there when she realized that Ilene was talking to her. "I'm sorry," she said, "What were you saying?"
"I said," Ilene repeated, "did you have a good lunch?"
"Oh, it was really good, I guess. I don't know. I'm not feeling well at the moment."
"Not again," Ilene said with dismay. "You know what the boss said about you missing anymore work. You should really go to a doctor. Find out what is bothering you. really."
And this is the end of the mystery. I wrote this scenario as an example of what is happening across this nation any given day in any given city. We know what is bothering Jennifer. Maybe you do as well. It isn't a mystery to some of us. She was poisoned by excitotoxins that are found in everything she ate and drank. Let's take a look at that "healthy" meal. We'll analyze it and see just what is in each of the items.
All the symptoms she encountered come from the ingestion of any of these excitotoxins. There are many more excitotoxins and there are many more symptoms. We have used this simple every day occurrence to demonstrate how easy it is to "poison" ourselves by eating at a restaurant we thought we could trust. All of these excitotoxins were added to her food to enhance the flavor, to mask a package tainting, to add to the shelf life or to eliminate sugar. Every one of these items affects everybody that ingests them. Jennifer is one of the one in ten people that symptomize radically. We all know somebody like her. You may be one of them, since you are reading this.
We hope you are successful in your search and we hope your life can be changed, as ours has, by eliminating these horrible poisons from your life.
Please visit our dedicated MSG section "To Your Health"
to learn about Monosodium Glutamate
and maybe share with us your stories.
Receive a free laminated pocket card with a list of ingredients to avoid. Make your next grocery shopping experience easier with this easy to use laminated card of the most popular excitotoxins used by the food industry. And when people ask where they can get their very own card, refer them to our website,
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Read the labels of the food products you have in your pantry. Compare the ingredients! What you find may surprise you.
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