If there is a word that is not listed here, email me. I will respond to your email as well as add it to the list.
Lysis of plant or animal tissue by an internal process. Lysis is defined as "dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria". Food such as cheese and milk are autolyzed as opposed to hydrolyzed.
To cause to undergo autolysis.
bottom feeder
A organization or person claiming that monosodium glutamate and other excitotoxins are harmless.
E Numbers
All food additives assessed for use within the European Union have assigned numbers. These numbers range from 100 to 1500 and start with the letter E for "Europe". e.g. E621 is the assigned E number for Monosodium Glutamate.
flavor enhancers
Flavor enhancers are food additives designed to improve the taste of foods. These enhancers can be natural or artificial. Natural food additives - salt, pepper, oregano, thyme, chili powder, curry and more - are common spices and herbs which have been safely used to enhance the flavor of foods naturally for thousands of years. Artifical food additives - monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast extract, sodium casinate, and other excitotoxins - are man-engineered chemicals which are designed to activate a false taste of food by emphasizing existing flavors which masks package flavor, age, and low quality ingredients.
Glutamate is a Neurotransmitter. There is glutamate in the brain which is neccessary for proper brain function. Although, excessive glutamate is dangerous and can kill brain cells.
A chemical reaction in which water reacts with a compound to produce other compounds; involves the splitting of a bond and the addition of the hydrogen cation and the hydroxide anion from the water
undergo hydrolysis; decompose by reacting with water
hydrozylated soy lecithin
See also Soy Lecithin
A basal part of the diencephalon governing autonomic nervous system
Monosodium Glutamate
White crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance flavor
An abbreviation for Monosodium Glutamate.
As a side note, when refering to various ingredients I might lump them all together by saying "MSG" instead of "MSG and other excitotoxins". All exitotoxins are harmful, not just MSG.
Any toxin that affects neural tissues as in brain cell death and possibly brain lesions.
An ingredient which over activates neurons causing neuron damage, neuron death and even brain lesions.
A company founded in 1901 by Queeny, and produced its first toxic additive called saccharin. YadaYadaYada... a lot of billions of dollars floating from one company to another, more chemicals, more money, growth of business, mergers, down-sizing, more mergers, more chemicals, more money, more mergers, selling, buying, creating, and even more chemicals. GMOs are the growing destruction of Monsanto's newest endeavors with its tag-along teams -- The Big "M" Conglomerates and All of Big M's Paid Fiends.
soy lecithin
Here is a quote from the FDA about Soy Lecithin (or "lecithin derived from soy"):
D. Allergic potential of lecithin derived from soy
As noted, lecithin derived from soy contains very small amounts of soy protein and it is generally used in small amounts, whether for a functional or technical effect in the finished food or as an incidental additive. The proteins in soy lecithin have been found, in some cases, to be soy allergens, and there are a few case reports in the medical literature of allergic reactions to lecithin derived from soy. However, allergy to lecithin derived from soy has been neither definitively established nor definitively negated by oral food challenge studies. Despite its widespread use in the food supply, FDA is aware of only a few allergen-related complaints about FDA-regulated products containing lecithin derived from soy.(8) Also, FDA is aware that some clinicians believe that foods containing lecithin derived from soy present little or no allergic risk to soy-sensitive consumers, and these physicians do not advise their soy allergic patients to avoid lecithin derived from soy.
Source: Guidance for Industry: Guidance on the Labeling of Certain Uses of Lecithin Derived from Soy Under Section 403(w) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
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Read the labels of the food products you have in your pantry. Compare the ingredients! What you find may surprise you.
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